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Google Ads Mistakes to Avoid in Asansol

One of the most effective ways for businesses to get to their target audience and have more and more sales is through Google Ads. With over 246 million unique visitors in the United States, it provides companies unmatched reach and targeting options. But, many advertisers make common Google Ads mistakes that can waste money and hurt their campaigns performances.

Having more effectiveness, people might fall making Google Ads mistakes in their campaigns which can back their success.  Avoiding these errors can greatly improve your advertising success. 

Here are the given ten major common mistakes to avoid for google ads that any lead generation companies in India suggest not to do.

Most Common Google Ads Mistakes:

Mistake:-1: Not understanding your target audience

Not understanding your target audience means that e-commerce businesses do not reach the wants of their audience. 

This becomes a major mistake made by them while they use google ads. 

It will also become difficult for them and it will lead to wastage of money. 

They can avoid this by researching their audience needs, preferences and also behaviors. 

So for this it’s better to use tools like surveys, social media and website analytics to collect information. 

Try to adjust your ads and also content to speak directly to your audience’s problems. Understand your target audience so then you can create more effective campaigns that can attract more people and have better results. 

MISTAKE-2: Ignoring Negative Keywords

Not using negative keywords in your campaigns can also become one of the major Google Ads mistakes. The only reason for ignoring negative keywords is that it won’t show your ads whenever a meaningful research is done. 

For example, if you sell branded watches, you might not want your ad to show up for “local watches”. By adding local as a negative keyword, you avoid this issue. 

Have a daily review and also update your negative keywords. So that your ads can be focused and efficient. It also ensures that your budget is spent on the clicks that are more likely to convert.

MISTAKE-3: Poor Ad Copy

Your ad copy is the first interaction potential customers see about your business. 

Another one of the most common Google Ads mistakes is having poorly written or irrelevant ad copy, which can stop people clicking on your ads.

Always take a look that your ad copy is clear. Also see whether it’s interesting and matching the keywords you’re targeting for. 

Also keep highlighting your unique selling propositions (USPs) and also include a strong call-to-action (CTA) to encourage the clicks. 

MISTAKE-4: Ignoring Ad Extensions

Why to Ignore Ad extensions?

Providing Ad extensions can provide extra information which can help make your ads more visible and clicked. 

Some common add extensions like the site link, callout etc.

If you ignore these extensions means you are missing a chance to have an improvement in your campaigns and this is one of the common google ads mistakes. And also the more value offered to the potential customers. 

Using Ad extensions maximizes your ad’s impact. 

MISTAKE-5: Not Tracking Conversions

Conversion tracking is crucial for knowing how well your campaigns are doing. Without tracking, you can’t tell which keywords, ads, or campaigns are nicely working. 

Set up conversion tracking to see important key actions, like purchases, sign-ups, or contact from submissions. 

This information helps you make better decisions and improve your campaigns.  

MISTAKE-6: Not Monitoring Your Budget:

If you are not monitoring your budget in your campaigns then you are making one of the major Google ads mistakes.

If you are not updated by your spending, then you might run out of money without having good results.

Always stay updated and have a regular check on the spending. Also compare it to your campaign’s goals. 

Use tools which will help you see or manage your spending.

Keep a daily or monthly budget according to the performances.

By monitoring your budget, you can be safe from overspending. It also makes sure that your money is used effectively and gets the best return on investment.  

MISTAKE-7: Not Utilizing Remarketing

Remarketing makes your previous customers visit your website or interact with the brand. 

If you are not utilizing remarketing means it limits your potential customers who might have shown interest in your products. This is one of the most common Google Ads mistakes.

Ignoring remarketing decreases the chance to remind your available customers about your business and also encourages them to return and make a purchase.

As you set up pre-marketing campaigns, it might help you stay in front of interested users.

It also boosts your chances of conversions.

MISTAKE-8: Overbidding On Keywords:

Overbidding on keywords is another common Google ads mistakes that e-commerce businesses make when using Google Ads. It wastes your budget. 

However, overbidding can quickly drain your budget without guaranteeing higher conversion rates. 

Instead of blindly bidding high, focus on finding the right bid amount that balances cost and performance. 

Use tools like bid strategies and keyword performance data to adjust your bids smartly.

Properly managing your bids helps you get the best results without overspending.

MISTAKE-9: Not Testing Ads

One more mistake done by the e-commerce businesses is that of not testing ads while using Google Ads. A/B type testing can allow you to test different variations of your ad copy and also landing pages to see what works best.  

MISTAKE-10: Ignoring Ad Scheduling 

Ad scheduling lets you pick the days and times your ads run. 

Ignoring ad scheduling can waste money and hurt performances because your ads might show when your target audience isn’t active. 


Any platform used in a correct way can be effective. So Google Ads become a highly effective advertising platform when it is used correctly.

Avoiding the above mentioned common mistakes can overcome and maximise your budget. Also it improves the ad performance, and helps in achieving the best results.

  • Have a regular review and optimize your campaigns.
  • Stay up to date about best practices, and continually have a look and improve your strategies.

You can follow these steps, try & test out the result or hire a lead generation companies in India to get your results.


Chiranjit Dutta

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